Rachel can now score knockdowns from Crouch C on grounded hit. The knockback on counter-hit is shorter, so following the move is simple. Though it’s not possible to air tech from a grounded hit, it is possible to Emergency Tech. The two Lotus moves are now easier to use, making Rachel more of a threat thanks to Lotus’s strengthening effect on her Drive.
- Backdash's duration increased from 23 to 25 frames. Ergo, she is considered airborne from 1st to 25th frame now. The distance traveled is also increased.
- Negative Penalty Resistance decreased from 7 to 4
- 2C doesn't blow the enemy away as high, untech time increased from 30 to 42 frames.
- George XIII's SFX now disappear along with the hitbox.
- Impish Gipsophilia now moves once the hitbox is active. Can be triggered up to 4 times.
- Barrel Lotus and Beelze Lotus have their start-up increased from 39 to 44 frames. Duration is increased from 54 to 60 frames. The projectiles are now slower. The attack level is increased from 0 to 2. P1 proration decreased from 100% to 70%, P2 proration increased from 70% to 92%. Other attack level changes apply.
- 2C floats lower, easier to follow up on CH. Can't mid air tech, but can emergency tech.